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Wix SEO by BizLadder
Choose the service that's right for your website or contact us and we'll help you decide
- Your rankings will improve or your money back!
- Choose the service based on the problem you're having with your wix website
- No contracts, no maintenance fees
95$Every monthGet Your Site Seen By Google - GuaranteedÂ- THE PROBLEM = Google is not seeing all of the pages
- THE SOLUTION = The 3-month BizLadder Visibility Plan
- THE GUARANTEE = Your Google rankings will improve
- THE GUARANTEE - # of pages indexed by Google will increase
- HOW LONG = 3 Months and then until cancelled
395$ÂBuild the Perfect SEO FoundationValid for one month- THE PROBLEM = No SEO or bad SEO on your current website
- THE SOLUTION = 1 Month of building a solid SEO foundation
- THE GUARANTEE = Your Google rankings will improve
- DETAILS = Keyword strategy, Sitemap Optimization....
- Google search console, analytics, + tag manager installed...
- Image optimization, and more
- HOW LONG = 1 Month
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