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Wix Groups Request: Changing Permissions of a Group Admin
Wix Groups
Managing your members
First Requested:
June 7, 2021 at 7:33:37 AM
Last Updated:
May 25, 2023 at 10:23:54 AM
Currently, you can assign any member to be a group admin. However, it is not
possible to change the permissions of what an admin can do.
What permissions do group admins have?
* Moderate group discussions.
* Pin important posts.
* Approve new member requests.
* Remove members who should no longer be part of the group.
We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is
greatly appreciated.
If this is a feature you would like to see in the future, please click **Vote
for this feature** and we'll make sure to keep you updated.
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