Wix Forum Request: Customizing the Default Notification Email Address in Wix Forum
Wix Forum
Setting Up Your Forum
First Requested:
May 24, 2017 at 2:42:58 AM
Last Updated:
May 25, 2023 at 10:23:47 AM
Notifications sent to members come from notifications@forums.wix.com.
Currently, it is not possible to change this email address.
The "From" name that the notification email is sent from is now your forum
You can change your forum name at any time by heading to the Editor, clicking
your Forum page, opening the Forum Settings and clicking on the **Categories**
tab. Click to edit your forum and then
enter a forum name.
We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is
hugely appreciated.
If this is a feature you would like to see in the future, please click **Vote
for this feature** and we'll make sure to keep you updated.