Measuring 7 KPIs For An Effective Website
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Measuring 7 KPIs For An Effective Website

What does it mean to have an effective website?

There are more than 1.2 billion websites on the internet. So, in order to ensure your website is top-notch and above the crowd, it certainly has to be effective. Apart from curating quality content, one has to hit the right chord with the target audience. This is where measuring the right key performance indicators (KPIs) matters.

To determine the effectiveness of your website, you need to look at the data that you’re garnering. This data consists of some interesting KPIs such as bounce rate, unique website visitors, and average time on page, to name some.

Here are 7 such KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your website.

1. Bounce Rate

A bounce rate can simply be referred to as someone ‘bouncing off’ of your website after visiting a single page, and not doing anything else. A lower bounce rate showcases that your website’s user experience is top-notch and visitors tend to spend some time at your website by visiting different pages.

There isn’t an ideal bounce rate for a website. If you’re looking at bringing customers to a landing page or a contact us page and achieving your goal, then the bounce rate might as well shoot up, but the purpose is being fulfilled.

2. Unique Website Visitors

Unique website visitors are first-time users visiting your website. They are taken into account once, even if they have visited your website.

Unique website visitors help you determine the influx of unique visitors throughout the year and the sources they’re using to find your website. This can help businesses understand the right time, place, and budget for their promotions.

3. Session Duration

A session duration indicates how long a visitor stays on your website. This can indicate the quality of your website. A shorter session time might indicate that visitors aren't finding your website intriguing enough to spend their time.

4. Page speed and load time

Page speed and load time is other important factor you can look into, to determine your website’s performance. A faster page load time can also help you bring down your bounce rate, as visitors won’t close the tab due to a slower loading time.

5. Top Landing Pages

A website’s top landing page is the webpage where most of your visitors are reached first. This is the page that’s getting the most visitors to your website and hence should be kept optimized consistently, by updating the content on the page.

6. Top Exit Pages

Similar to determining the page getting you the most traffic, top exit pages can help you determine where you’re losing the most of the traffic. Identifying the top exit pages and fixing the loophole and fixing the issues can also lead to an increase in session durations on your website. Solutions like better CTAs, and easier navigation can work well.

7. Average Time on Page

The average time on the page explains the average length of all site visits combined. Bounce rate, along with average time on page and pages viewed per session, is the triad that can help you determine the time people spend on your website.


At the end of the day, developing a website is just the beginning of the process. It is always

recommended that any website you run should have everything working in tandem with one another.

Analyzing the KPIs on a regular basis can help you find out the best possible solutions for your website and leverage the strong points while improving the weaker ones.

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